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You're viewing Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Cheat Codes

Game Name : Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-05-11 21:11:41
Views : 26503

Cheat Codes
Begin a game in skirmish or multi-player mode. Then, press [Enter] to display the message box, enter one of the following codes, then press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter the code again to de-activate.

In-game clock +clock
More blood +lotsablood
Alternate fog color +fogcolor [1-256]
Alternate race color +logo [1-9]
Change render lighting +lightrange [1-20]
CPU cycles through units +bigbrother
Deselect selected units +selectunits
Display menu +f2menu
Rename indicated unit +nameunit [unit]
Toggle rolling fog effects [Note] +rollingfog
Toggle wavy fog effects [Note] +wackyfog
Toggle wavy water effects [Note] +wackywater
Change screen resolution +vidmode
Screen shot +makeposter
Exit to Windows +quit

Note: Only with 3D accelerator video card.

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Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Cheat Codes at Game Score

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